Top Selling UberEats Clone Script In 2021

Marketing JustInBiz
5 min readAug 31, 2021

Top Selling UberEats Clone Script In 2021

On-demand food delivery apps are big revolutionary platforms that take your food delivery services into smart ones. The familiar food delivery apps are UberEats, Doordash, Swiggy, etc. Due to their huge demand and convenience, like-food delivery app development is the trending one.

One such familiar task is UberEats clone app development. The food delivery market attained specific growth after the rise of such tasks. The statistical reports predict that the food delivery market attains a specific growth rate of 30 % during 2020–2026.

This opens up the chances for professionals to launch their own food delivery business and get essential fame in the market. JustInEats, a perfect UberEats clone app script from JustInBiz plays an effective role to reshape the food delivery business in a smart way. This is a top-selling UberEats clone script in 2021. How? This blog holds the answers for it.

JustInEats: A Perfect UberEats Clone Script

Focusing on the real on-ground scenarios, JustInEats digitizes the food delivery business with unique operational interfaces. From food ordering to payment, the food delivery app from JustInEats includes opt-in interfaces for each participant to make all of them carry the food delivery operations in a smart way.

Not only in the business aspects but JustInEats also provides a unique experience to the customers while ordering the food. Locating favorite restaurants, tracking food in real-time, fixing schedules for food orders are honorable mentions for JustInEats. Further, the effectiveness of JustInEats is reflected in the following ways.

  • Build a Large Customer Base
  • Offer Personalized Experience
  • Strong Customer Retention
  • Accurate Staff Monitoring

Upon rising new trends, there is a need to update the food delivery business to stay long-term in the food delivery market. In order to reshape the food delivery business completely, smart features are essential.

Smart Features of JustInEats to Reshape Your Food Delivery Services

Social-Media Signup:

The signup options are to be expanded via social-media accounts. Making each participant like restaurant owners, delivery people, and the customer login via this option ensures the formation of an online link among them. This link allows the restaurant owners to know the customer preferences by tracking the customer profile consistently. This allows the food delivery business owners to run the food delivery services as per customer preferences.

Favorite Ordering

A wide range of options is there for customers. One of the superior options included in the UberEats clone script is called favorite food orders. This allows the customers to place their favorite food orders from their favorite restaurants easily.

Food Order Scheduling

Customers have the special option to set the schedules for food orders in advance. By offering this option, JustInEats makes the customers feel comfortable during home events or corporate events. This prior setting also allows the restaurant owners to prepare the meals in a timely manner without any collapse.

Real-Time Tracking of Food Orders

The complete tracking makes the customers and restaurant owners aware of the current location of the food orders during delivery trips. With the integration of the real-time mapping and navigation feature via GPS technology, JustInEats provides the optimal distance to reach the customer location. This reduces the time required for a delivery trip. In this way, the productivity of the food orders handling is high.

Restaurant Profile Update

This allows the restaurant owners to create and update the profile according to seasonal demands. Thus frequent updates capture the customer’s attention quickly. Thereby, the build-up of a solid customer base happens easily.

Revenue-Driven features to Make You Profitable

Besides the standard features, the features highly support the food delivery business owner to earn revenue via multiple directions as follows:

Fee for Restaurant Listings

To list the restaurant on the app portal, the admin or the business owners assign the specific charge. In case of any wishes from restaurant owners to place the ad on the portals to promote for many audiences, JustInEats allows you to fix the charge for this advertisement and increase revenue value.

Delivery Charges

Upon completion of food delivery, the charge collected from the customers is the basic revenue. There are two split-ups there in this revenue: commission from restaurants and the delivery fee. Offering discounts enable you to attract a wide range of customers and turn them into potential customers for a long-time.

Subscription Model

To make the visitors into long-term customers, the subscription option is helpful for you. Assigning a subscription fee either monthly or yearly will increase the revenue in one direction.

Fee for High-Priority Orders

In case of any emergency in the high-priority food orders on the events. Then assigning the special fee to handle such high-priority orders.

With the multi-functional and revenue-driven options in the UberEats clone script, JustInEats creates a big revolution in the food delivery services and brings more startups into the food delivery market.

How Much Cost to Develop an UberEats Clone?

As a startup owner, your next move towards on either to develop an UberEats clone app by own or getting the app from the reputed app developers. Ultimately, the second option is the beneficiary one. JustInBiz provides the food delivery app packages in 3 forms like professional, professional plus, and enterprise. Depending on the selection of packages, the variation of cost exists.

More specifically, the cost variation in the ranges of 900$-2000$ as per the features and the functionalities you opted for. The amount you spend for the food delivery app script is 100% in JustInEats is a guaranteed investment. Wish to know the quotation for each package and cost variation, don’t hesitate to contact the JustInBiz support team via email.

Why JustInBiz?

Among many food delivery startup solution providers, JustInBiz is a worthy partner for you. The reasons behind this statement are as follows:

  • A committed team in JustInBiz works together with high-focus on delivering the high-quality food delivery app at the right time.
  • 24/& availability of the support team guide you to launch and manage your food delivery business in the right direction.
  • Depending upon the package you selected and business needs, 100% source code from JustInBiz acts as the complete solution for all the demands.
  • Either a new launch or the customization, the skilled professionals working together in JustInBiz to make you launch a food delivery business with a bug-free app.
  • Development based on the latest technologies in JustInBiz. This is the major reason for our food delivery app as a trendy one against any fluctuations in the food delivery market.
  • By especially incorporating the multi-currency and the multi-language feature, JustInbiz surely allows you to expand your business globally.

Turn your dream of launching a new food delivery business into a reality in 2021 with the best UberEats clone app from JustInBiz.

